ARTCHAIN as a service that helps users maintain ownership, loans, restoration,

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ARTCHAIN ​​AI is a revolution in search, protection, and responsibility for responsibility for older works of art. By guiding users through crypto currency transactions, ArtCoin allows investors to improve security and replace the Smart Contract platform. By gathering information available to ordinary investors, ArtCoin democratizes the art market and acts as a direct link between investors and the art industry.

ArtCoin has a perspective that will be published in all corners of the art industry. Welcome Our protocol is suitable for large individuals and collector organizations. Country reports and faster than before, and you can easily track and track work, reliable functionality from insurance and logistics companies. And every artist can finally get financial benefits from reselling his work.

Art world in the 18th century. There are no developments in each part of his work. It still follows the 300 year participation principle. However, currently certification of artworks, auctions, and procurement are similar to old business models. This creates a lot of inconvenience for participants. The authenticity of senior art work with old standards; There is a high probability that the buyer can accept counterfeit goods. But the senior market is not open to all talented participants. Young artists struggle to come to the market.

At present, the art market is not enough to ensure authenticity and quality assurance for buyers. In today's leading markets, auctions get more benefits from creators and investors. The presence of participation increases product costs. Lack of technical implementation hampers market growth.

There should be many unanswered questions related to regulation, standardization and management, it is clear that there is growing interest in introducing new technologies with new interests and many new companies. This shows a strong discussion about the ability to move markets and challenge the mainstream.

Thus, by moving forward, using benchmarks and tokens, easily entering the market, diversifying investments, opening transaction and liquidity costs, you can increase

ARTCHAIN ​​AI is a revolution in transition, security, and recording senior art assignments. By guiding users through transactions using cryptocins, ArtCoin allows investors to take advantage of enhanced security and smart platforms to approve contracts. By gathering this information every day, investors cannot rise again, Artcoin democratizes the art market and establishes direct contact between investors and the art industry.

Artcoin has a value that will support all aspects of the art industry. The protocol we agreed to - from individual collectors to large institutions - was perfect. Status reports are easier and faster than before, and work can be easily tracked and tracked thanks to the reliable functionality of insurance companies and logistics companies. And the artist can finally get financial benefits from the resale of art.


Artcoin will be an indispensable assistant for every participant and every professional group in the global market, because every smartphone is commercially available, applications related to the system, and reasonable access are available using digital technology. This will revolutionize the global market and set global standards in the areas of approval, evaluation and research, restoration and validation, copyright and priority in the areas of fake protection and authenticity, as well as in insurance.

With ArtChain technology, the art industry has become more transparent than before. A blockchain based platform created on profiles of protected artifacts that are unauthorized access, where they have signs of excellence, history and digital fingers. The highest safety standards thanks to smart and decentralized contracts.

Every old work has unique digital fingerprints, as well as the best textile parts available, compiled and stored in Blocken, this software effectively creates phenomenal old art works that are phenomenal for this and honed.

Design features

As you already understand, ARTCOIN intends to seriously modernize the entire art industry. However, it has all the tools and technology needed. But again, we will not move from the topic, so for clarity, I propose to consider the principle of this project. To do this, we will gradually analyze each individual step in the registration of any art object.

For the start you need on your mobile to install the application - ARTCHAINAPP. After installation, do a small registration of your identity and purchase an internal token (ARS) system to scan your art objects in the future can be added to the general digital database and assign it to you as individual identification. After you have made all the necessary manipulations, you point your smartphone to your image, then carefully scan the image and save it in the database along with your fingerprint. All of these procedures do not take more than a minute, which makes it very convenient and practical to use. After the image has been successfully scanned, you as the owner can add it in the description of all the accompanying information. For example, how to write, time to make, and other important factors.


The main objective of this project is to eliminate low-quality work in the world of art, identify all the writers and owners of each individual art object, strengthen their user biometric passports, where all necessary information will be available, both about the user and the photo. In addition, modern writers, others, as they say "in a smart mind and conscious memory" will finally be able to receive the appropriate payment for each sale of their paintings. Which in my opinion is fine. After all, if the artist sells his paintings from a particular gallery, or vice versa, some individual collectors, he only gets one profit at the time of the transaction. And if the painting is then resold, redeemed or something else, then he doesn't receive a penny from this. Because he is no longer personally involved in any further transactions. What the ARTCOIN founding team considers unacceptable, because the copyright is given to each individual image and is maintained not only during the life of the author, but also posthumously throughout the existence of the object of art.

That is why ARTCOIN is a great opportunity to earn money for all contemporary artists, artists, and not only. In addition, ARTCOIN will be a great place to meet two interested parties such as art sellers and buyers. After all, all data is open, all images have their own DNA passports, and all payment transactions can be done in the system by simply transferring coins from one wallet to another.

ICO details

If we talk about tokens, their full names will sound like ART COIN, and abbreviated (ARS). They will be made based on the blockchain Ethereum (ERC20) for a total of 30 billion with an initial cost of $ 0.01 USD. In total, the developers plan to collect Hard Cap in the amount of 100,000,000 US dollars to launch their projects and immediately bring them to the world level. You can buy coins in any convenient way, and buy them with help: BTC, ETH, EUR and FIAT.

Fund distribution is as follows:


Official resources of the project Artcoin:

WEBSITE: https://artcoin.a
YOUTUBE: https: //

Author: takseindahdulu
Eth: 0x7c4b1Ca9829f36e62dD4Bf002119248A343De177


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